
Night Fusion

Blog First week we were coming up with the ideas how our game will look like. We were talking about how we are going to start with a basic room model and make sure we can get a single character to do all of the basic functions. Ideally, we will try to create 10 rooms but we will see in time how will we progress.  We agreed that the artistic aspects will come a little bit later. After Week 1 Mathew  created  D ragon and we choose Dragon Nr 6 as our enemy.  Week 2 we  created turning poses in Photoshop. Grace created a Character concept. We haven't decided if we are going to have both options, a mail end a femail option the player can choose. Grace also created weapon concept and Matthew is working on animation. This is our third week of working on the Project. Matthew is working on texture and I am coming up with the ideas for enemies.  Matthew created Goblin in Piskel. Goblin attack.
Blog UNITY in Action Screen shoot -  progress in setting the scene. Just finished First steps - from animating Lerpz to the Respawn Points. Setting scene is the next step by putting the Health Pickups into the scene, then Jump Pads to boost Lerpz into the air. Going to the next step - '' It's time for Graphical Use Interfaces (GUI system). I have put the GUI Skin object to gives us full control over the look and feel of every GUI element. Going on The Start Menue with setting the new scene. Creating java Script with copy pasting the codes. Then producing   buttons. For the final touch I've added a second script to the Main Camera to check if the music has finished playing and then it loads up the Start Menue Scene. I've added GameOverScript to the Maincamera and GUIs done! Screen shot of Game over. Adversaries - the last step. I will add enemies for Lerpz to fight. Those will be robot guards and laser barriers. I've create the laser